Our 9 Pillars Of Learning

Tailor What You Need

At Optimal Leadership, we offer a comprehensive suite of leadership development pillars designed to meet the
diverse needs of our those looking to expand their leadership skills. Our programs cater to all levels of
leadership, from emerging leaders to senior executives, and encompass a range of essential skills and competencies.

Choose from our 9 Pillars Of Learning to get the results you're looking for.


Discover The 9 Pillars Of Learning

Explore What You Need

Below are our  9 "Pillars of Learning".  Each pillar represents essential principles that are key to successful modern leadership. 
Each pillar is made up of various modules. 

Explore the "Pillars of Learning" to discover what fits to your goals and desired learning outcomes. 

Then move to Step 2. 

Confident Leadership

Confident Leadership empowers leaders to inspire and guide others with authority, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. This pillar provides the essential skills to develop a strong leadership presence, navigate complex situations, and maintain a balance between assertiveness and empathy. Leaders will learn to embody authenticity, professionalism, and resilience, creating a lasting impact.  


Module 1: Foundations of Leadership  
Discover the core principles of leadership, focusing on personal presence, professionalism, and emotional intelligence, essential for leading with confidence.  

  • Leadership values – personal and business values  
  • Emotional Intelligence & Ego Balance   
  • Showing and Owning Authority   
  • Getting comfortable with visibility and public perceptions  
  • Mindset, Self-Talk, and What Others Hear/See   
  • Integrity in Leadership – Walking the Talk   
  • Styles of Leadership, and best fit for your industry  
  • Professionalism – the Little Things That Make the Difference  
  • Self-Care and burnout prevention  


Module 2: Recognising Leadership Potential  
Identify and cultivate leadership potential using Whole Brain Leadership and personality insights to develop well-rounded, effective leaders.  

  • Whole Brain Leadership (HDMI)  
  • Understanding Personalities and behaviours  
  • Introverts and Extroverts   
  • Use of HDMI Profiling Tools  


Module 3: Stepping Up  
Learn how to nurture team growth, leverage strengths, and navigate team dynamics to build supportive, high-performing teams.  

  • Growing Teams  
  • Working to Strengths  
  • Surfing the Waves of Teams  
  • Supportive leadership for psychological safety  


Module 4: Day-to-Day Leadership  
Equip yourself with practical strategies for handling daily leadership challenges, from mistakes and triggers to crisis communication and organisational support.  

  • Getting It Wrong – Mistakes and How to Deal with Them   
  • Dealing with Failure  
  • Difficult behaviour – Disrespect, Lack of Organisation, Emotional Outbursts, Lack of Organisational Support  
  • Recognising and handling Triggers and Danger Zones   
  • Recognising Increase of Challenge   
  • Seeking Help  
  • Communicating in Crisis – Stakeholders, Customers, and Team  
  • Training teams and onboarding new people  
  • Finance – why it’s not someone else’s problem  
  • Target, Goal, and KPI Setting and accountability  
  • Recognition of progress and success  
  • Meetings and Processes  

Learning Outcomes  

By applying the learnings from the Confident Leadership pillar, you will:  

  • Get better results from your team  
  • Grow team and individual engagement  
  • Decrease absenteeism and increase productivity  
  • Develop a strong, authentic leadership presence.  
  • Master various leadership styles and understand when to apply each.  
  • Balance authority with empathy, ensuring a respectful and productive work environment.  
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence for improved decision-making.  
  • Enhance professionalism and maintain consistency in your leadership approach.  
  • Strengthen self-care practices to sustain long-term leadership effectiveness.  
  • Understand and leverage personality and behavioural differences within your team.  
  • Increase visibility and influence in public and within your organisation. 

Pillar  #2

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is crucial for effective leadership, enabling leaders to connect deeply with others, manage emotions, and make thoughtful decisions. This pillar focuses on cultivating self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation, providing tools to enhance communication, foster relationships, and lead with compassion. Leaders will develop the emotional resilience needed to thrive in challenging environments.  



Module 1: EQ Foundation 
Build a solid understanding of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), exploring its key aspects and how to align them with your desired leadership outcomes. 

  • Defining EQ 
  • The Aspects of EQ 
  • Language – Using EI in the words you choose for Leadership  
  • How EQ affects your leadership –personal, team, business, and community 
  • Defining Your Desired Outcomes 

Including: engagement, cohesion, greater opportunity, more &return customers, Growth - Personal, professional, financial 


Module 2: Recognising and Growing Potential 

Learn to identify and cultivate emotional intelligence in yourself and others, focusing on inner and outer development, practical application, and resilience. 

  • Why Is It Important 
  • Profiling and debriefing – profile leaders and/or the whole team - Personal and 360  
  • Inner Focus: Developing Leadership Presence, Open Authentic Communication, Self-Knowing, Self-Control, Self-Reliance, Self-Confidence 
  • Outer Focus: Taking on Challenges, Responding Creatively and Effectively to New Opportunities, Adaptability, Optimism, Self-Actualisation 
  • Emotional Dimensions: Empathy, Relationship Skills, Straightforwardness 
  • EQ in practice - Practical Application and Payoffs  
  • Including: Unearthing Opportunities, Dealing with Failures, staying calm in the face of adversity, Self-Talk, and Relationships 


Learning Outcomes

By applying the learnings from the Emotional Intelligence pillar, you will: 

  • Gain a deep understanding of Emotional Intelligence and its impact on leadership. 
  • Improve your ability to connect and empathise with others, growing strong relationships. 
  • Enhance your self-awareness and emotional regulation skills for better decision-making. 
  • Develop techniques for effective communication and conflict resolution. 
  • Build resilience to handle stress and challenges with calm and composure. 
  • Cultivate a leadership presence that inspires trust and confidence in your team. 
  • Recognise and grow potential within yourself and others, promoting a positive workplace culture. 
  • Apply emotional intelligence principles to achieve meaningful outcomes in both personal and professional contexts. 

Pillar  #3


Effective communication is the foundation of leadership, enabling the clear conveyance of ideas, building trust, and fostering collaboration. This pillar focuses on mastering essential and advanced communication techniques, ensuring that leaders engage in clear, respectful, and impactful interactions, enhancing team dynamics and driving organisational success. 


Module 1: Communication Basics  
Learn the essentials of effective communication, from understanding the "why" behind your message to using non-verbal cues and aligning your values with your communication style. 

  • Identifying the Why  
  • Values Alignment  
  • Blocks – Where It Goes Wrong and Why  
  • Channels – VAK  
  • How Thinking and Thinking Styles (HBDI) Affects Communication  
  • Concise and Precise – when they are best 
  • Mehrabian Theory Explained  
  • Non-verbal communication - friend or foe? 
  • Written vs. Spoken messaging 
  • Confirming Understanding 
  • Forgotten Art of Responding – Even If It’s a No 
  • Confidence, Ego, and Arrogance and how they affect communication 

Module 2: Conversational Intelligence (CIQ) 
Explore advanced communication strategies that build trust, foster collaboration, and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. Learn to engage in meaningful, productive conversations. 

  • What is CIQ? 
  • Establishing Rules of Engagement and Setting Boundaries 
  • Building Trust 
  • Upleveling conversations 
  • Breaking down assumptions  
  • Speaking to Be Heard 
  • Conversational Dashboard 
  • Collaborative Communication – Facilitation of Everyone Being Heard 
  • The value of Divergence and Co-Creation 
  • Creating We – a truly connected space for innovation 

Module 3: Dealing with Awkwardness 
Equip yourself with the skills to navigate difficult conversations and handle awkward situations with courage, respect, and effective communication techniques. 

  • The courage to speak up 
  • Stating Your Case  
  • Saying "No" Politely but Firmly  
  • Assertive vs Aggressive Conversation 
  • Being Wrong and Giving Ground 
  • The art of the Sincere Apology 
  • Approaching Difficult Conversations 
  • Respectful Disagreement 
  • Acknowledgement and Validation  
  • Finding common ground 
  • Giving Feedback 
  • Swearing and Its Effect in the Workplace 
  • Talking About Taboos 

Learning Outcomes

By applying the learning form the Communication pillar, you will:

  • Master the fundamentals of clear and concise communication. 
  • Understand and overcome common communication blocks and challenges. 
  • Connect on a deeper level and build trust for highly effective business relationships 
  • Develop skills to use non-verbal cues effectively and align your communication with your core values. 
  • Enhance your ability to build trust and facilitate meaningful conversations in both personal and professional contexts. 
  • Learn to navigate and resolve difficult conversations with confidence and respect. 
  • Improve your ability to communicate assertively, while maintaining empathy and professionalism. 
  • Gain tools to foster collaborative environments where all voices are heard and valued. 
  • Strengthen your conversational intelligence, so your team embraces innovation and co-creation. 


Pillar  #4

Team Coaching, Mentoring
& Supporting

Coaching, mentoring, and supporting are essential for developing others and fostering growth within teams. This pillar equips you with tools and techniques to guide, empower, and support individuals, ensuring they reach their full potential. Build strong, cohesive teams while nurturing a culture of continuous development and success. 



Module 1: Coaching and Mentoring  
Gain a deep understanding of coaching and mentoring, including their differences, the importance of non-judgment, and strategies for effective guidance, feedback, and team dynamics. 

  • Definitions and Differences 
  • An approach of pure non-judgment 
  • Leading and Guiding 
  • Goal Setting 
  • Chunking Up and Down to make goals achievable 
  • Accountability and Feedback 
  • How Does Mentoring Work 
  • The value of making mistakes 
  • Psychological safety in teams 
  • Team Dynamics  
  • Profiling and the Benefits 
  • MHFA – The Basics 
  • How to Display Empathy 
  • Opening the Door 
  • How to Reach Out  
  • How to Get Others to Reach Out 

Learning Outcomes

By applying the learnings from the Coaching, Mentoring, and Supporting pillar, you will: 

  • Understand the key differences between coaching and mentoring and when to apply each approach. 
  • Develop non-judgmental listening and communication skills essential for effective leadership. 
  • Enhance your ability to set clear, achievable goals and hold others accountable for their progress.  
  • Learn techniques for leading, guiding, and empowering individuals and teams to achieve their goals. 
  • Master the art of providing constructive feedback that encourages growth and development. 
  • Gain insights into how mentoring works and the benefits of profiling for personal and team development. 
  • Learn the basics of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to support team members' well-being. 
  • Develop empathy and create an environment where others feel safe to reach out for support. 
  • Learn how to effectively reach out to others and open the door for meaningful connections and support. 

Pillar  #5

Diversity & Difference

Diversity and difference are essential for driving innovation and building an inclusive workplace. This pillar emphasises recognising and addressing bias, embracing diverse perspectives, and enhancing communication across varied teams. By fostering inclusivity, we ensure all voices are heard, respected, and valued, leading to stronger, more collaborative outcomes. 



Module 1: Diversity & Difference 
Explore the dynamics of diversity and difference, including recognising and addressing bias, fostering inclusive conversations, and leveraging diverse perspectives for stronger outcomes. 

  • What is Bias and Its Forms 
  • How Bias Happens 
  • Unmasking Bias 
  • Embracing Diversity 
  • Bridging Conversations 
  • Diverse Communication 
  • Profiling for Understanding 
  • Team facilitation to build bonds 


Learning Outcomes

By applying the learnings from the Diversity & Difference pillar, you will: 

  • Understand the various forms of bias and how they manifest in the workplace. 
  • Learn techniques for unmasking and addressing bias to foster a more inclusive environment. 
  • Embrace diversity by recognising and valuing different perspectives and experiences. 
  • Develop skills to bridge conversations across diverse groups, ensuring open and respectful dialogue. 
  • Enhance your ability to communicate effectively with diverse teams, promoting collaboration and innovation. 
  • Gain insights into profiling tools that help in understanding and appreciating individual differences. 
  • Create actionable strategies for achieving inclusive and diverse outcomes within your organisation. 


Pillar  #6

Navigating Conflict

Navigating conflict is essential in leadership, turning disagreements into growth opportunities. This pillar empowers you with strategies to approach conflicts confidently, fostering respect and collaboration.
You'll learn to manage disagreements constructively, ensuring outcomes that strengthen relationships and drive productivity. 


Module 1: Understanding Conflict 
Develop a foundational understanding of conflict, its benefits, and how to
approach it with confidence and open-mindedness. 

  • Why you MUST address conflict 
  • When is conflict a problem? 
  • Fear versus Opportunity – the mindset of managing conflict 
  • Power of Disagreement 
  • Open-Mindedness 
  • Psychological Safety and Disagreement 
  • Acknowledgement and Validation 
  • The Echo Chamber effect 


Module 2: Conflict Management Strategies 
Learn effective strategies for managing conflict, including setting boundaries,
facilitating respectful conversations, and focusing on attacking problems, not people. 

  • Establishing Rules of Engagement/Boundaries 
  • Attacking Problems and Not People 
  • How to Have the Conversation When Disagreeing – Staying Respectful 
  • Fundamentals 
  • Common Ground 
  • Shared Vision of Desired Outcome 
  • Concise and Precise 
  • Mehrabian’s hot tips 
  • Facilitation Sharing So Everyone is Heard 

Module 3: Practical Conflict Resolution 
Gain practical tools for resolving conflicts, including when and how to communicate,
handling difficult personalities, and ensuring everyone’s perspective is considered.

  • Channels 
  • Confirming Understanding 
  • Time Out 
  • Recording and Reporting 
  • Written vs. Spoken and When to Use What 
  • Difficult Personalities - Passive Aggressive and Manipulative Behaviour 
  • Getting comfortable with being wrong 
  • Apologising and Giving Ground 

Learning Outcomes

By applying the learning form the Navigating Conflict pillar, you will:

  • Understand the importance of conflict and learn how to approach it as an opportunity for growth. 
  • Develop skills to create psychological safety, fostering open-mindedness and constructive disagreement. 
  • Learn to set clear boundaries and establish rules of engagement that facilitate respectful conflict resolution. 
  • Master techniques to focus on attacking problems, not people, ensuring that conflicts lead to productive outcomes. 
  • Gain practical tools for managing difficult personalities and preventing manipulative behaviours. 
  • Learn effective communication strategies for resolving conflicts, including when to use written versus spoken communication. 
  • Enhance your ability to find common ground, share visions of desired outcomes, and ensure everyone is heard during conflict resolution. 

Pillar  #7

Leading Through Change

Leading through change demands resilience, adaptability, and effective communication. This pillar equips you with the mindset and tools to navigate transitions successfully, ensuring your team remains aligned, engaged, and productive in evolving environments. 


Module 1: Emotional Resilience and Mindset  
Build a strong foundation by developing the right mindset and emotional
resilience to lead effectively through periods of change. 

  • Mindset  
  • Dancing with Fear  
  • Introducing the Amygdala – Your Centre for Processing Emotions  
  • Conscious Competence  
  • Reframing 
  • Removing Angst 
  • Giving Ground  
  • Acceptance 

Module 2: Effective Communication and Engagement 
Master the art of communicating change and engaging your team and stakeholders,

ensuring everyone is aligned and committed to the transition. 

  • Communicating Change 
  • Communicating the Need and the Process 
  • Engage the Team and Stakeholders – Getting Them on Board 
  • Training and Induction 
  • Involving Others in the Change 

Module 3: Managing the Practicalities of Change 
Learn practical strategies to implement change, address resistance, and establish

new habits and processes within your organisation. 

  • Process of Change 
  • Forming New Habits 
  • Identifying and Dealing with Resistance 
  • Discipline and Accountability 


Learning Outcomes

By applying the learnings from the Leading Through Change pillar, you will: 

  • Develop a resilient and adaptable mindset to lead confidently through change. 
  • Learn techniques to reframe challenges, manage fear, and maintain emotional balance during transitions. 
  • Gain a deep understanding of how emotions impact decision-making and leadership, with tools to manage them effectively. 
  • Master the skills of communicating change clearly and engaging your team and stakeholders to foster collective commitment. 
  • Understand the practical steps required to implement change successfully, from training and induction to managing resistance. 
  • Learn to establish new habits and maintain accountability during periods of change, ensuring that your team remains focused and productive. 


Pillar  #8

Innovation & Performance

Innovation and performance are key to thriving in today's competitive environment. This pillar provides strategies to uncover strengths, nurture growth, and break through limitations.
You'll learn to harness emotional intelligence, drive peak performance, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability within your team. 


Module 1: Strengths, Growth, and Opportunities 
Uncover and build on your strengths, explore opportunities for growth, and
expand your mindset to achieve greatness. 

  • Uncovering Strengths and Weaknesses 
  • Expanding on Perceived Limitations and Opening Minds to Possibility– How to Recognise Your Own Capacity for Greatness  
  • Building Strength and Confidence 
  • Nurturing Growth 
  • Unearthing Opportunities 
  • Cost and Payoff 
  • Dealing with Your Failures  
  • Opportunities for promotion 


Module 2: Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence 
Develop a deep understanding of yourself and your emotional intelligence to enhance innovation and performance. 

  • What Is EQ? 
  • Why Is It Important? 
  • Inner EQ – What It Is and How It Relates to Innovation and Performance 
  • Outer EQ – What It Is and How It Relates to Innovation and Performance 
  • Other EQ – What It Is and How It Relates to Innovation and Performance 
  • Self-Talk – When It's Positive and Negative and Making the Switch 
  • What Makes You Tick and How It Affects Your Capacity as a Leader 

Module 3: Practical Applications and Leadership Impact 
Apply innovative strategies and emotional intelligence to improve performance and leadership effectiveness. 

  • EQ or HBDI Profile and Debrief 
  • Practical Application and Payoffs 
  • Relating to Self and Others 
  • Peer and Hierarchical Considerations 
  • Building Better Relationships 
  • Diverse Communication approaches 
  • Reading the Room "Cues" 
  • Calm in the Face of Concerns  
  • Using H.B.D.I for Innovation and Performance 
  • Practical Tools for Innovative practice 

Module 4: Web At Work – Gaining The Best From Your Teams 
The evolving concept of "Web Work" reflects a growing trend in work flexibility, employee empowerment, and the strategic use of individual strengths within large organisations. This approach recognises that today's dynamic workplace requires a shift from traditional, rigid structures to more fluid, interconnected roles. By focusing on the strengths of employees and fostering a collaborative environment, "Web Work" aims to enhance team performance, drive growth, and create a more adaptable and resilient workforce. 

  • Why Silos Are Outdated 
  • What Is “Web At Work”? - The Principle Concept 
  • Why Use It 
  • Web At Work - Application To Teams 
  • Strength Based – Issue is Growth 
  • Identifying and Utilising Strengths 
  • Traditional VS Shared Roles 
  • Implementation, Logistics, Sharing Information and Systems 
  • Leading a Web Workplace 

Learning Outcomes

By applying the learnings from the Innovation and Performance pillar, you will:

  • Deepen self-awareness and emotional intelligence to drive innovation and enhance leadership effectiveness. 
  • Uncover and leverage strengths within yourself and your team while addressing weakness, and fostering personal and professional growth. 
  • Expand your mindset to recognise and pursue opportunities for greatness, breaking free from perceived limitations. 
  • Implement practical applications to lead, communicate, and perform effectively in diverse and dynamic environments. 
  • Strengthen relationships and communication skills, learning to read and respond to social cues for better team and stakeholder engagement. 
  • Develop resilience to remain calm and effective in the face of challenges, failures, and resistance. 
  • Utilise Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to foster collaboration, adaptability, and stronger team dynamics. 
  • Effectively manage change by applying innovative strategies, continuous learning, and adaptive leadership to guide teams through evolving landscapes. 

Pillar  #9

Presentation Skills

Mastering presentation skills is essential for effective communication and leadership. This pillar equips you with the techniques to deliver clear, engaging, and persuasive presentations. You'll learn to captivate your audience, handle challenges, and strategically plan your content, ensuring impactful delivery and meaningful engagement.  



Module 1: Core Presentation Techniques
This module focuses on developing the foundational skills necessary for delivering a clear, engaging, and well-structured presentation, utilising both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques  

  • Presence: The tiny things that make people stop and take notice when you stand to speak.  
  • Voice and Projection: Learn how to use your voice effectively to engage your audience, ensuring clarity, volume, and modulation.  
  • Body Language: Understand the importance of body language in communication, including gestures, posture, and eye contact, to enhance your presentation.  
  • Words and Structure: Master the art of structuring your words for maximum impact, ensuring your message is clear, logical, and compelling.  
  • Using Audio-Visuals: Discover when and how to use audio-visual aids effectively to support and enhance your presentation.

Module 2: Engaging the Audience  
This module is designed to equip you with the skills needed to actively engage and manage your audience, ensuring participation, handling challenges, and making the most of the collective knowledge in the room  

  • Workshopping: Explore what workshopping is, when to use it, and how to facilitate interactive sessions that involve the audience.  
  • Facilitation: Learn the skills necessary for effective facilitation, including when and how to use it to encourage participation and collaboration.  
  • Answering Questions: Develop strategies for handling questions during your presentation, ensuring you respond confidently and accurately.  
  • Handling Objections and Working with Difficult Audiences: Gain techniques for managing objections and difficult audience members, maintaining control, and turning challenges into opportunities.  
  • Cultural Considerations When Presenting: Understand the importance of cultural awareness in presentations and how to tailor your approach to diverse audiences.  
  • Harnessing the Knowledge in the Room: Learn how to draw on the expertise of your audience to enrich the presentation and create a more dynamic learning environment.  


Module 3: Preparation and Setup  
This module provides practical guidance on how to prepare for a presentation, from understanding your audience's learning needs to setting up the environment and managing content delivery.  

  • Environmental Setup: Master the logistics of setting up the presentation environment to optimise audience engagement and minimise distractions.   
  • Personal Presentations and Distractions: Recognise and manage personal presentation habits that could distract your audience, ensuring a polished and professional delivery.  
  • Explaining What is to Come: Develop techniques for previewing your presentation, setting clear expectations, and keeping your audience engaged throughout.   
  • Learning Styles and Thought Processes: Understand different learning styles and thought processes and learn how to tailor your presentation to meet the needs of your audience.  
  • Learning Stacks: Discover how to layer and sequence information effectively to facilitate learning and retention.  
  • How Much is Too Much in a Presentation: Learn to balance content and timing to avoid overwhelming your audience while still delivering key messages effectively.   
  • Handouts and Extra Information: Learn the value of providing handouts and additional resources to support your presentation and reinforce learning.  


Module 4: Strategic Presentation Planning  
This module focuses on the strategic aspects of presentation planning, from crafting compelling titles and defining objectives to structuring content for maximum persuasive impact.  

  • Who is in Your Audience – Knowing the Room: Learn how to analyse your audience to tailor your presentation to their needs, interests, and expectations.   
  • What’s Your Desired Outcome: Clarify your objectives before you begin, ensuring that every aspect of your presentation is aligned with your desired outcomes.   
  • Stating Aims and Outcomes – Why and How to Deliver: Discover the importance of stating your presentation’s aims and outcomes upfront and how to communicate them effectively.   
  • The Power of a Great Presentation Title: Understand the impact of a compelling title in drawing your audience's attention and setting the tone for your presentation.  
  • Structure – Why, Stats, Emotional Impact, and Process: Learn how to build a persuasive presentation by combining logical structure, statistical evidence, emotional appeal, and clear processes.  
  • Structuring Persuasion in Your Presentation: Master the art of persuasive communication, structuring your presentation to influence and inspire your audience.  



Learning Outcomes 

By applying the learnings from the Presentation Skills pillar, participants will be able to:  

  • Enhance presentation delivery skills, including voice projection, body language, and the effective use of audio-visual aids, to create impactful and engaging presentations.  
  • Develop audience engagement techniques through facilitation, workshopping, and managing difficult interactions, ensuring active participation and positive outcomes.  
  • Tailor presentations to diverse audiences, considering cultural differences, learning styles, and thought processes to maximise effectiveness.  
  • Master the logistics of presentation setup and personal presentation habits to minimise distractions and optimise the learning environment.  
  • Plan strategically for presentations, from crafting compelling titles to structuring content for persuasion and achieving desired outcomes. 


Create The Learning Solution

Tailor It To Fit Your Goals

Now that you're familiar with the learnings available to you, request our "Leadership Learning Blueprint" by sending
a quick request. 

Once downloaded you can select what you need. Submit it back to us and we'll create a learning plan that will
align with your needs, your level of learning, a proposed timetable for delivery at a price to suit your budjet. 

The "Leadership Learning Blueprint" can be used by

Individuals for learning in pursuit of personal growth.
Team Leaders or Managers looking for team development 

and by

Human Resource Departments keen to implement planned development for company growth
or advancement of their leadership programs to align with their specific business needs. 

Access the "Leadership Planner" Now

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You're Gaining Targeted, Level Appropriate Learning Through A Plan Designed
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 19 Sicklefield Road, Enoggera 4051 Qld.      0438 624 667       admin@optimalcoaching.com.au

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