Are You Ready?

Let us show you the way

Are your ready to elevate your status and leave a lasting legacy through publishing your book?

At Optimal Publishing, we specialise in providing comprehensive book coaching services to aspiring authors. Led by executive coach and multiple best-selling author Mary Wong, our personalised book coaching programs are designed to empower your inner author so you can complete your book.

Our Partnership and Focus

For A Lasting Impact

At Optimal Publishing, we partner with entrepreneurs, consultants, influencers, thought leaders, community advocates and other professionals who are passionate about sharing their expertise and narratives through nonfiction books. Additionally, we welcome individuals seeking to immortalise their personal narratives, family legacies, life experiences, and meaningful messages by completing their memoir.

Whether you're a first-time author or have previous experience in publishing, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way. Our focus is on credibility-building expertise books that reflect your vision and elevate your status. Please note, we specialise exclusively in nonfiction works aimed at building credibility, authority, and impact. If you're seeking assistance with fiction, poetry, cookbooks, graphic novels, or other genres, we may not be the best fit for your project.

What We Do

Gain Confidence, Clarity,
& Direction

Our book coaching program offers comprehensive support, personalised guidance, and expert insights to empower you to become a published author.

From strategic planning to polished manuscript preparation, we provide the tools, resources, support and encouragement you need to successfully bring your book to life. 

Gain confidence, clarity, and direction with our proven coaching approach tailored to your unique 

Mary Wong

Meet Mary

Your Guide and Mentor

Mary's Optimal Publishing missions is to empower aspiring authors and professional to realise their publishing dreams by providing them with the knowledge, resources, and support needed to bring their books to life and realise their aspirations. 

With formal qualifications in coaching, counselling, leadership and business, Mary draws upon her writing prowess and excellent communications skills when assisting clients to achieve their writing goals. 

A multi Amazon international best-selling author, Mary has received international awards for writing, across multiple genres and currently writing a novel. 

With Mary's nurturing approach and wealth of experience, you can rest assured you are in good hands as you work towards realising your publishing dreams.

Is Uncertainty Holding
You Back?

Remove The Doubt

Embarking on the path to write and publish a book can be daunting, filled with uncertainties and fears that might hold you back. At Optimal Publishing, we understand these challenges and are here to guide you every step of the way.

Fear of Failure and Lack of Confidence?
Worrying about your book’s success or doubting your writing abilities is natural. Our personalised coaching program builds your confidence and provides the tools to craft a compelling manuscript. From concept development to writing skills, we support you every step of the way.

Financial Concerns?
Self-publishing costs can be significant. We offer transparent pricing and tailored solutions to fit your budget, making the publishing process accessible and affordable without compromising quality.

Lack of Knowledge?
Navigating self-publishing can be overwhelming. We simplify the process by providing clear guidance on manuscript editing, book formatting, cover design, and much more. Our experienced team will keep you informed every step of the way.

Time Management and Commitment?
Finding time to write and manage the publishing process is challenging. Our structured programs keep you organised and motivated, breaking down the process into manageable steps that are right for. you, so you can stay on track.

Fear of Rejection?
You'd be surprised to know how many authors struggle with this. We have tailored strategies to get you past it, so we can focus on creating a high-quality book that resonates with your target audience, building your confidence and reducing the fear of rejection.

Technical Skills?
Formatting your book, creating a cover, and understanding publishing platforms can be intimidating. We can provide hands-on assistance and professional services to handle these technical aspects, letting you focus on your writing.

Finding the Right Support
Trusting professionals with your work can be difficult. Our team of experienced editors, designers, and coaches is dedicated to your success, offering reliable support and personalized guidance to ensure your book reaches its full potential. 

Don’t let fear and uncertainty hold you back from sharing your story with the world. At Optimal Publishing, we empower aspiring authors to overcome these challenges and enjoy the rewarding experience of bringing their book to life. With our comprehensive support and expertise, you'll find the process manageable and enjoyable.

Remove the doubt  & schedule your 30min FREE Virtual Chat

(it's obligation free)

Create Your Book In No Time

We'll Show You How

Our role at Optimal Publishing is to guide and coach you to success, maintaining the momentum as you move towards achieving your goal of publishing your book. We’ll keep you accountable, and aim to avoid overwhelm.

Our standard offering is weekly sessions. At Optimal Publishing we've found that this pace creates the best momentum, with just 12 weeks from start to completing your first draft.

What we know is that in today's fast-paced world, every individual has their own pressures and challenges. Depending on other priorities, they may choose to meet fortnightly, or even monthly. It’s a longer time to completion, but if it makes the process sustainable, we see that as worthwhile.

Either way, there’s an extra two hours built in for those moments when you feel the need for some extra support. And in case unforeseen events prevent completion by the end of session 15, there is an option of negotiating extra sessions too. Notwithstanding, we know that with dedicated effort and commitment to meeting deadlines, your first draft will be completed by session 15.

Let's take a brief look at what that might look like.

Your Four Stages To Publication Success

Stage 1 - Sessions 1 - 3

In these three sessions, each taking one hour, we set you up for success, paying attention to the vital considerations most people miss when attempting to write a book. These are the foundations that make all the difference to successfully completing your first draft without continuously losing track, restarting, rewriting, or just giving up altogether.

Stage 2 - Sessions 4 - 15

During this time you submit chapters for review and constructive feedback. Then, we meet for 20 - 30 minutes each session to review the feedback together with a focus on message clarity and flow, whilst navigating the perfect balance between information and story to ensure you create a riveting read.  
At the end of session 15, your first draft should be completed.

Stage 3 - Session 16

In this exciting one-hour session, we talk about what comes next in the publishing process. There’s a checklist of the steps, and a full publishing team who can take care of every step of the process from your finished first draft right through to publishing and beyond.
We’ll help you decide the best pathway to publishing for you.

Stage 4 - Celebrate 

It's your time to celebrate as you've now successfully completed your book with Optimal Publishing.  

Want To Talk About Your Book Idea
And Discover If It Has Legs?

Let's Have A Chat

30 Minute Virtual Coffee

(no charge - no obligation)

We Make Writing A Breeze

Here's What Others Say

"After spending a few months writing my book on my own, I knew I needed
help to get it to the standard that I wanted.

I shopped around for publishers and also people to help me self-publish.
I trusted the universe and when one of Optimal Publishing’s emails hit a chord in me,
I knew they were the right choice. They helped me more than I thought I needed.

With guidance and support I was able to turn my story into a
memoir that I am so proud to send out to the world."


"I started working on my book with Optimal Publishing, totally out of my comfort zone, reactive decision, made in the moment. Best decision ever. Optimal Publishing talked, walked and demonstrated the processes. Once I had a handle on that, my mind could stop asking

the how, what, why, what for and just allow the story
to flow through the fingers onto the page.

PS: I laughed out loud, I cried big wet tears and I smiled. Optimal Publishing  was there the whole way, metaphorically holding my hand and soothing my nerves. I would recommend anyone considering writing to jump on board with Optimal Publishing and enjoy the magic carpet ride.

PPS: Optimal Publishing does make you work a lot but you will revel in
the satisfaction of a job well done."

“I had the wonderful opportunity to write my book under Optimal Publishing
and I’m happy to report that I am a highly satisfied client.

Optimal Publishing has been professional, reliable, giving timely feedback about
my writing as I went through the process.

Optimal Publishing has a standard of
excellence second to none, and those who are fortunate enough to write under
Optimal Publishing tutelage, can expect nothing but the highest quality."


"Without Optimal Publishing I wouldn't have been able to get to the stage of a written
first draft and beyond.
Optimal Publishing is clearly very passionate and dedicated to helping
others realise their potential for success.

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Optimal Publishing.

Thank you so much Optimal Publishing”


"Those words from my awesome book coach ring in my head every time I sit down to write.
I have attempted to put my story into words for many years now and worked with others who claimed to be “experts” in helping write a book. However, they were marketers and did not
connect with me in the way I needed. I am not doing this for fame, and I know books
are not about making money.
Optimal Publishing understood this and has listened to me about why I am writing this.
As a result, this time is different - I love the process that Optimal Publishing uses and our sessions are just pure joy. I am doing what I love but getting the guidance and support I need.

Optimal Publishing ongoing support has meant I am slowly but surely crafting a piece that has been therapeutic in many ways but opened the door to me reigniting my passion for writing.

I am grateful to Optimal Publishing and love the fun we are having along the way."


"Engaging Optimal Publishing as my book coach was the best investment in me I have ever made. Right from the first introductory call we established a rapport that has continued to grow throughout my book writing process.

Optimal Publishing is genuinely committed to my success and even though our "contract"
was completed several months ago, Optimal Publishing continues to support
me through the social media.

With my book now in presales, Optimal Publishing is as excited about my launch as I am.
I would recommend Optimal Publishing as a coach to anyone wanting to see their
book dream become a reality."


"Optimal Publishing has been priceless in completing my first book and
of course in continuing what I thought was only part reality, and mostly pipedream.

My pipedream is now my reality.

I highly recommend working with Optimal Publishing if you are looking
to turn your dreams into your reality."


"I am sitting here now, a bestselling author, hugely thanks to Optimal Publishing.
Optimal Publishing’s wisdom is endless when it comes to putting words together in
a powerful way. 

Optimal Publishing understands the book publishing industry and is so generous with support. Working with Optimal Publishing made my book writing process joyful, fun and certainly much quicker than it might have been. What I hadn’t expected was how much I would learn about
myself, and how I would grow as a person.

I recommend Optimal Publishing to anyone who wants to write a
really, really good book. You’re in very good hands."


Get In Touch

Contact Us

Optimal Publishing would love hear from you.  Reach out to us today to make an obligation free enquiry about writing your own book, enquiry about our other writing services and support or perhaps something else entirely. 

Let us provide you with Inspired Vision - Expert Impact


 19 Sicklefield Road Enoggera 4051 Qld.      0438 624 667

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Acknowledgement of Country

Optimal Publishing acknowledges Jagera and Turrbal peoples as the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin (Brisbane), where our office is located. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present, and emerging, as the first storytellers and we recognise their enduring connection to the lands, waters, and seas of this country.

Optimal Publishing is a pathway to Leadership presented by Optimal Life Solutions

Copyright   Optimal Life Solutions - All Rights Reserved